Fengsheng wire equipment
classification center

Product details
Configuration and price of automatic 3D wire rod forming machine
FS-DG203-08(转头式) ( Swivel head)
A、设备价目表:(Equipment price list)
序号 No |
货品内容 (Product content) |
数量QTY |
单位UNIT |
FOB价格dollar(含增值税)Distribution price FOB for dollar(including VAT) |
1 |
全自数控3D线材成型机(2-8mm)508 Fully automatic CNC 3D wire rod forming machine |
1 |
台 SET |
$38000.00 |
2 |
全自数控3D线材成型机(3-10mm)510 Fully automatic CNC 3D wire rod forming machine |
1 |
台 SET |
$46000.00 |
配套模具 (Supporting fixture) |
1 |
套 SET |
增送(Free Admission) |
免费提供1人培训 |
2 |
天 DAY |
买方提供食宿Food and accommodation provided by the buyer |
运输及保险费(国内运输)(Transportation and insurance (domestic transportation) |
1 |
运费至广州港口Freight to Guangzhou Port |
B:配件品牌及产地:(Brand and origin of accessories)
部件名称 Part name |
品牌产地 Brand origin |
配件名称 Part name |
品牌产地 Brand origin |
伺服电机 servo motor |
日本山洋 SANYO |
控制系统 Control system |
莞狼控制系统 GUANLANG |
减速机 Reducer |
台湾品宏/卓蓝pinhong, Taiwan |
轴承 gudgeon bloc |
日本NSK Japan |
变压器 transformer |
变频器 Frequency converter |
机座材质 texture of material
A3/45#/ |
电气配件 Electrical |
正泰 CHINT |
C:易损件随机配送清单:(Random distribution list of vulnerable parts)
序号 NO |
名 称 NAME |
单位 UNIT |
数量 QTY |
备注 NOTE |
1 |
过线咀 Wire hole |
套 |
1 |
根据客户提供线径配送相应的配套模具 (According to the wire diameter provided by the customer, the corresponding supporting mould shall be distributed) (material:DC53/CR12/HSS/45#) |
2 |
切刀 tool |
套 |
1 |
3 |
模具针套 Moldneedle sleeve |
套 |
1 |
4 |
内模 Internal mold |
套 |
1 |
5 |
调直轴承 Straightening bearing |
个 |
10 |
正常配送10个 Standard delivery 10 |
6 |
外模 External mold |
个 |
1 |
45# material |
7 |
工具箱 hold-all |
套 |
1 |
内配有常用工具/扳手 Equipped with common tools / spanners |
Equipment configuration and instructions
一、 设备型号及参数:(Equipment model and parameters:)
1、设备名称:全自动数控3D线材成型机(Equipment name: automatic numerical control3D wire rod forming machine) (转头式) ( Swivel head)
设备型号(Equipment model):FS-DG203-08(转头式) ( Swivel head)
2、加工线材直径规格(Processing wire diameter specification):Φ2-Φ8mm(Φ3-Φ10mm)普通铁线,(加大线径可定制)Ordinary iron wire (customized for increased wire diameter)
3、控制轴数:5、6轴(Number of control shafts: 5、6)
4、送线电机功率:4.5KW配(160型1:5减速机(Φ3-Φ10mm)(Power of wire feeding motor: 4.5kw, equipped (with 160 Type 1:5 reducer(Φ3-Φ10mm))
5、折角电机功率:2.3KW配120型1:20减速机(Bending motor power: 2.3kw with 120 type 1:20 reduce)
6、升降电机功率:0.75KW(带抱闸)配90型1:10减速机(Inner touch lifting motor powerr: 0.75KW, equipped with 90 type 1: 10 reducer)
7、转头电机功率:3.8KW(带抱闸)配140型 1:20减速机(Swivel head motor power: 3.8kw (with band brake), equipped with 140 type 1:20 reducer)
8、切刀电机功率:1.5KW配120型 1:10减速机(Cutter motor power: 1.2kw with 120 type 1:10 reducer)
9、最大送线速度:90米/分钟,60米/分钟(带减速机)(Maximum delivery speed: 90m / min), 60m / min (with reduce)
10、 送线精度:9000mm±0.2/6000mm±0.2(带减速机)(Wire feeding accuracy: 9000mm ± 0.2)/ 6000mm ± 0.2 (with reducer)
11、 电动送线架最大承重:500Kg,3t(大型放线架)(Maximum bearing capacity of electric wire feeding frame: 500kg(, 3T (large-scale paying off frame)
12、 电动送线架外圆直径:φ1010mm(Diameter of outer circle of electric wire feeder: φ 10mm)
13、 电动送料架电机功率:1.5KW配WPWDK080# 1:60减速机(Electric feeding rack motor power: 1.5kw with wpwdk080 × 1:60 reducer)
14、 主机使用电压:三相380V(Main machine voltage: three-phase 380V)
15、 主机器重量:2600kg(Main machine weight: 2600kg)
16、 主机器尺寸:3700mm X 1300mm X 1900mm(长度X宽度X高度)(Main machine size: 3700mm x 1300mm x 1900mm )(length x width x height)
17、 电动送料架重量:200Kg(Weight of electric feeding rack: 200kg)
18、 电动送料架尺寸:1500mmX1500mmX940mm(长度X宽度X高度)(Electric feeding frame size: 1500mmx1500mmx940mm) (length x width x height)
二、 使用条件及说明:(Service conditions and instructions):
1、电源电流及电压1秒种以上波动应保证在±5%以内,设备可以正常运行。(The power supply current and voltage fluctuation for more than one second shall be within ± 5%, and the equipment can operate normally).
2、自动送料架与主机间隔距离2000mm以上。(The distance between the automatic feeding rack and the main machine is more than 2000mm).
3、设备配备有USB接口,可实现数据读取。(The device is equipped with USB interface to realize data reading)
4、 电脑操作系统可以接入互连网,实现远程控制和操作。生产效率及产量在人机界面有显示,达到规定产量后设备可自动停机。(The computer operating system can be connected to the Internet to realize remote control and operation. The production efficiency and output are displayed on the human-machine interface, and the equipment can be automatically shut down after reaching the specified output).
三、 其他(other)
1、 设备使用后齿轮及导轨滑块要定期加润滑油脂,周期60个工作日。(After the equipment is used, add lubricating grease to the gear and guide slide regularly, with a period of 60 working days)。